Trey’s Carne Asada

Need a new version of carne asada? Trey’s Carne Asada is a citrus-inspired carne asada meal that gives you a perfect blend of tropical and savory. This is the Painted Hills Natural Beef team’s favorite way to cook a flank or skirt steak. If you find yourself leery of cooking this cut of meat, you’ve […]

Will’s Flank Steak Pinwheels

flank steak recipe

Spruce up your dinner with 3 different flank steak pinwheel flavors! Each one has its own unique taste and texture. There is something for everyone, whether you are a fan of blue cheese and spinach, feta cheese and sun-dried tomatoes or if you want to spice it up with a little chili sauce and cream […]

Keys Ranch Carne Asada

carne asada recipe on the grill

Stumped on what to do with a flank or skirt steak cut? Not any longer! This is the Painted Hills Natural Beef team’s favorite way to cook a flank or skirt steak. If you find yourself leery of cooking this cut of meat, you’ve got to give this carne asada recipe a try! It’ll change […]

classic beef bacon
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